Fiat Classical Academy
As a Catholic high school located in Aurora, Indiana, we offer a time-tested form of education, rich in the intellectual tradition of the Church, for young men and women in the Greater Cincinnati area.
Renewing Catholic culture through:
Dynamic education
Authentic formation
Cultivation of joy and wonder
Immersion in truth, goodness, and beauty
A communal search for the face of Christ
Educational Vision
Fiat Classical Academy offers a high school education faithful to the Church to young men and women desiring to dive deeply into the treasures of our faith, the created world and the legacy of classic written works.
We teach the art of living by:
We invite young men and women to see the depth and meaning in the world God has given us.
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Intentional relationships are a hallmark of FCA, whether among students, faculty or the families of both.
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We treasure the unity of knowledge and recognize that not all learning takes place in the classroom.
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Seeking Excellence
We form our students in the excellence of who God intended us to be – fully human, fully free, fully alive.
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What is Classical Education?
Our Curriculum
Admissions Process
Join The Renewal
“Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom.”
– St. John Paul II (at the Ad Limina visit including Indiana in 1998)
Excitement for Fiat Classical is Mounting