
Our curriculum aims to guide our students in the art of living well, not merely job preparation. To that end, while many of our subjects can be found at other high schools, the way in which they are taught is unlike many institutions. This is a summary of our course offerings. Below are some distinctive features of the education we offer.


As the queen of sciences, theology grounds all our studies. In our study of God, we see the Trinitarian underpinning of the universe and the continual search of man for his Creator and Redeemer, whose gift of the Church and the Sacraments reveal that God initiates our union with Him.


Students deepen their philosophical inquiry each year, while through the arts of logic and rhetoric, they learn how to think in an ordered and profound way and to articulate well that which is good.


We spread a feast of rich reading, diving into profound works by Homer, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dickens, Dostoevsky, and many others. Through these works we grapple with age-old questions like: Who is the human person? What is suffering? How is love transformative? What is the meaning of existence? How ought I to live my life?


With a strong emphasis on primary sources, we unpack together, through lecture and Socratic conversation, the writings of great minds. From Herodotus to Frederick Douglass, history comes alive through the voices of real men and women whose words and deeds continue to impact us today. We receive our inheritance and identity, while also examining our own engagement with the world.


Seen as more than simply useful as a future job skill, we highlight the beauty, order and logic revealed through algebra, geometry and calculus.


Our studies of the natural, observable world begin with wonder at the inexhaustibility and intelligibility of all that God has created. Along with mathematics, we trace the historical discoveries and developments of various theories, bringing them to life as a quest for a deeper understanding of the ever-fascinating world.

Foreign Language

Students learn to understand the nature of language and its structure (grammar) through Latin, with some exposure to other ancient and modern languages.

Art and Music

Because we prize the beauty of visual art and music, every student participates in the practice of the fine arts, as well as in cultivation of their appreciation.

Physical Education

Because we are embodied persons, our education includes engagement with the gift of the body. We emphasize athletics within the school day, offering forms of exercise, movement and competition, while admiring that we are truly “fearfully and wonderful made.”