Adamello Days
We know that learning shouldn’t be limited to what occurs within the four walls of a classroom. Twice each month on Fridays we embark as a school community on “Adamello Days.”
When St. John Paul II was pope, he occasionally left the Vatican secretly to ski. One of his favorite locations was Mount Adamello.
Our Adamello Days are opportunities to encounter the outdoors, delight in the fine arts, perform works of mercy, and know the dignity of working with natural elements guided by skilled craftsmen.
We might leave campus for the entire day, or we might welcome a guest to share their craftsmanship with us. We could be skiing like St. John Paul II or learning the skill of orienteering. Perhaps we will be contemplating beautiful works at an art museum or serving at a homeless shelter. There are innumerable possibilities for Adamello Days. These are also a treasured time for fostering community among students and faculty, while participating in experiences that evoke wonder together.