Frequently Asked Questions

When are you opening?

Fiat Classical Academy is slated to open in August 2024 for ninth and tenth grade. One grade level will be added each year until 9-12th grades are served.

Where will you be located?

We will be located on the St. Mary’s parish campus in Aurora, Indiana, where we will be renting space. This location is ideal for residents of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. Due to the unique nature of Fiat Classical Academy, we anticipate having students from several counties in the Tri-State area.

Why Dearborn County, Indiana?

The Holy Spirit has been moving in profound ways in southeastern Indiana. This is fertile soil for responding to God’s generosity with a resounding, “Yes!” It’s also an underserved area. The closest private high schools are 24 miles away in Ohio and Kentucky. Because Dearborn County is part of the Tri-State area, it also makes it an accessible location for residents of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky who are seeking a classical education faithful to the Church.

Who is founding Fiat Classical Academy?

You can learn more about our founding Board of Directors here. We have been consulting with the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education, a leading national expert on classical education, as well as headmasters from across the country, since the summer of 2022.

What does the name mean?

Fiat is “let it be done” in Latin and refers to God’s utterance at the dawn of creation, “Let there be light,” Mary’s superabundant “yes” to becoming the Mother of God, Jesus’ profound gift of self on the cross, and the invitation offered to each of us to respond, “Amen” to all that God offers us.

Are you Catholic?

Yes! Fiat Classical Academy is a Private Association of the Faithful in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis with the apostolate of a Catholic high school. Our faith is central at Fiat Classical Academy and transforms our academics, extracurriculars and school culture. All faculty and staff are required to take an annual Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium at the beginning of each academic year.

Why classical?

Simply put, we think that a classical education is the education of the Church. A classical education is a thoroughly human, substantial, transformative education. The content of classes is complemented by teaching methods that acknowledge every young man or woman as someone created in God’s image and likeness. We have found no better way to share the legacy of our faith and the rich inheritance of our ancestors’ search for truth. You can read more about the hallmarks of classical education here.

Where can we learn more about classical education?

There are innumerable resources available, and we are always happy to point you in the direction of a good book, article or podcast. To get you started, we recommend the article “A Case for Classical Education” from First Things. Michael Van Hecke, president of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education, has an hour-long interview on EWTN about the power of Catholic classical education to preserve a Catholic vision in a secular world. If you would really like to dive in, check out an online video series by Dr. Christopher Perrin called ParentU: Is Classical Education Right for Your Child?.

What if my child has not had a classical education thus far?

Many students enrolled in classical high schools throughout the country were not classically educated in grade school. We walk with our students to become familiar and comfortable with a different method of learning. We are confident that the joy and wonder that a classical education fosters will resonate with our students. Additionally, we are hoping to offer summer camps to junior high students to introduce them to a classical education experience.

What makes you unique?

We hope that our website has provided you a glimpse of the many ways we are unique and yet inheritors of a great tradition and a form of education that is time-tested. From our presence in Dearborn County to our curriculum offerings, Adamello Days, approach to student life and faith, and emphasis on teaching the art of living, there is nothing locally available quite like Fiat Classical Academy.

What is the role of parents?

Parents are the primary educators of their children. We know that whatever is taught within the walls of FCA requires support at home. We view FCA as an extension of the domestic church. We offer opportunities for parents to continue their own education and formation. FCA encourages regular communication between parents and teachers, both for parents to understand what their children are learning and for teachers to serve their students more fully.

What is the cost/tuition?

Tuition for the 2024-2025 has been set at $7,750. We are committed to offering an affordable education. Since we do not anticipate having the ability to offer financial aid in our inaugural year, this was taken into account when setting tuition. For Indiana residents, we plan to be recognized as a recognized school for the SGO and School Choice programs.

Will scholarships be available?

When we are a more established school, we hope to offer scholarships. Initially, our fundraising is directed toward opening. We know that scholarships and financial aid are important to many of our families and seek to serve them as we are able. Indiana families will be able to receive the School Choice voucher. Additionally, our vision is to establish particular scholarships for Ohio and Kentucky residents who are not eligible for Indiana’s school choice and SGO programs.

Are you part of the Indiana SGO/school choice program?

On May 8, 2024, the State of Indiana approved FCA for accreditation. We are now completing the necessary paperwork for families to receive the School Choice voucher.

Will you offer special education?

As much as possible we like to incorporate all students, regardless of their learning challenges, in the same classroom, doing the same work together. Our ability to meet the needs of individual students will be determined on a case-by-case basis, following a meeting of the student’s parents with our staff. Our low student-teacher ratio enables the possibility of greater attention to an individual student’s needs. We also continue to explore possibilities of outside resources that are consistent with a classical model.

What is your technology policy?

Check out our technology philosophy here. The fine details of technology use on campus are still being finalized.

Will you offer sports?

We value sports and acknowledge the importance of exercise, competition and playing with a team. We also want to ensure that our students are not overtaxed by a myriad of commitments and pressures. Therefore, we encourage parents to organize intramural sports or other opportunities for competitive athleticism. During the school day we will have opportunities for athletic pursuits.

Do you offer transportation?

While we are unable to offer busing services, we can help you connect with other families in your area interested in attending FCA. We anticipate many families will be interested in carpooling from 30-45 minutes away.

Will you provide lunch?

We are unable to provide meals. Students will be expected to pack their lunches. For special feast days, we will gather together to share a meal.

Will teachers be part time or full time?

We will have a combination of full time and part time faculty. As a new school, we will be looking for individuals who are capable of teaching multiple subjects.

Why do you need to fundraise?

Unless tuition rates are exorbitantly high, private schools typically can’t cover their expenses through tuition alone. While seeking to serve families, we know that Fiat Classical Academy must supplement with fundraising in order to keep tuition more affordable. Consistent with Catholic Social Teaching we intend to care for our faculty and staff by paying a just wage as they support themselves and their families. This also allows us to hire truly excellent teachers. Additionally, for our first year in operation, we want to cover our costs through fundraising because we anticipate a smaller student body. This will promote mutual confidence for parents and teachers who want the assurance of financial stability and sustainability before committing to FCA.  We want everything we offer to be of excellent quality and view fundraising as a way for our community to support these efforts.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes! Fiat Classical Academy is a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501(c)3, and donations are tax deductible. 

How can I help?

Thank you for asking! We are in need of prayer support, benefactors, ambassadors to the community and volunteers. If you have a particular gift or skill you would like to offer, we would love to begin the conversation. You can contact us here.

What else should we be asking?

There are lots of questions to ponder when considering where to send your son or daughter for high school, but it’s easy to begin with the most obvious. We believe that some of the most important questions are those that are often not even asked: What does it mean to educate? What is the purpose of education? What pedagogy or methods are best suited to who the human person is? How can young people grow into the men and women God is calling them to be? What does an education in virtue look like? How can we grow in the art of living? We invite you to contemplate these questions with us as we seek to serve the young men and women entrusted to us for four years of education and formation.

How many days a week does FCA meet?

FCA is a full time school and is in session Monday-Friday during the academic year.