Statements of Support
“Equipping young people to discern objective truth and to seek objective goodness will make all the difference as they face our culture’s growing crisis of meaninglessness. The only answer is Christ. I’m excited to see the launch of a new academy so explicit in its desire to help young people dive into the great adventure of life in Christ.”
– Brad Torline, Executive Director of The Angelico Project
Eva Roll, parishioner of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross in Bright, IN
“Fiat Classical Academy offers a beacon of hope for our future society! In a world where our youth are bombarded with pressure to conform to confused cultural norms, this is a chance for excellence in education that will awaken and form their character in the truth, beauty and goodness of God’s design for the human person, enabling them to master the art of living their faith.”
“The future of our society will rise or fall with the strength of individuals who have been formed in the truth. Fiat Classical Academy is committed to forming the individual, in a true understanding of the human person, revealed by God and entrusted to the Church.”
– Fr. Jonathan Meyer, Pastor in Solidum of All Saints Parish, St. Lawrence, St. Mary and St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Sara Yunger, parishioner of All Saints Parish, IN
“Inspired by the life of St. John Paul II, this classical academy is certain to cultivate in its students and families a recognition and appreciation of the beauty of creation, intellect and truth, and most excitingly, the intimate collaboration with it.”
“There is a transformational renewal unfolding in … education today. Fiat Classical Academy is taking its place as an integral part of that renewal. Based upon an understanding of students as naturally gifted by God with both a passionate desire and natural ability to learn, the school builds upon this God-given hunger for learning in order to allow a young person to grow into all that they have been created to be. This is a much-needed return to a classical model of education intimately connected to the Catholic view of the human person!”
Joseph D. Hollowell, Ed.D. Consultant for the Institute of School and Parish Development, and retired President of Roncalli High School, Indianapolis, IN
“With our God-given rights to the education of our children, parents must strive for greatness and raise them to be saints. Fiat Classical Academy will afford parents the opportunity to forge saints for the future of Christ’s Church by providing solid, traditional, faith-based education with like-minded community support. With wholehearted excitement for this new endeavor in our own community, I highly recommend the prayerful support of all parents considering a virtuous and modeled Christian approach to the education of their high school teens. ‘Let us run the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus’ (Hebrews 12:1-2).”
– Cheryl McCann, Middle School Religion Teacher at St. Lawrence School, Lawrenceburg, IN
– Patrick Boduch, Chief Operating Officer of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education
“Inspired by the Gospel witness of St. John Paul II, Fiat Classical Academy will offer an education in the fullness of the Church’s tradition of human education, forming students in the unity of faith and reason. This education will allow its students to live their lives as much as possible in the truth of themselves as made in the image and likeness of God.”
“To have a school where the culture is deeply and universally informed by faith; where students and teachers alike encounter the sources of knowledge and actively engage in their synthesis; where the arts are treated with the respect and the discipline that befit their true value; where the nobility, the boldness, and the freedom of life in Christ are unashamedly upheld—it seems like a dream. With the grace of God, I am eager to see that dream become a reality at Fiat Classical Academy.”
– Fr. Christian Cone-Lombarte, Parochial Vicar of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Cincinnati, OH
“Our culture is greatly in need of people who approach the world with a certain intellectual disposition. Fiat Classical Academy emphasizes doing this in a way that integrates the human dimensions with study. This is very exciting for intellectual renewal in the formation of our youths.”
– Dr. Joseph Molitor, Whole Hearts Psychology, Bright, IN
– Dan Teller, Founder of Good Shepherd Catholic Montessori
“I am heartened by the initiative to create Fiat Classical Academy. Young people deserve a robust, faithful high school education that inspires one’s mind, nourishes one’s soul, and forms one’s character. I pray for the success of FCA, and especially for the many young people who will flourish there over the years.”
“Fiat Classical Academy continues the great tradition of Western education spanning from Plato and Aristotle to St. John Henry Newman and Dorothy Sayers. To face the present, students need this grounding in faith and tradition more than ever before. Fiat Classical is going to do great things.”
– Matthew David Wiseman, Ph.D., Founder of the Littlemore Institute
– Jeff Schutte, Member of the contemporary Catholic music group ROMANS
“After being involved in the successful start-up of a classical high school in Dayton, Ohio with my brother and sister-in-law, It wasn’t long before I felt the Lord nudging me to pursue the possibility of helping start one in Southeastern Indiana. Much to my surprise and pleasure, it took me speaking to only one person to begin knocking down a track of dominoes that a number of others had already started laying. God is Good! I wholeheartedly believe in the value of a classical, faithful education and I am excited about Fiat Classical Academy. I am confident that God will continue to bless every effort on our part, to build and grow this important component of a culture of life.”
“We are excited about the future of the new classical education high school, Fiat Classical Academy. It promises to instill a solid education founded by couples who want to cultivate a love for learning, faithful to the Church’s teaching. We look forward to offering our support to this educational adventure for the betterment of the children in our community.”
– Paul and Linda Weckenbrock, Parishioners of All Saints Parish, IN
Tony Ertel, Principal of St. Bernard Catholic School, Cincinnati, OH
“I am so excited for the opening of Fiat Classical Academy! The classical approach to education is something that is well-worth rediscovering and reinstituting. In a world where so many young people are bored with school and exhausted by the career-focused approach of modern education, an alternative that excites wonder and inspires a love for truth, goodness, and beauty is exactly what we need. I am happy to give my full support to the opening of Fiat Classical Academy!”
“By combining a faithful, classical approach to education with Pope St. John Paul II’s inspired vision of the human person, Fiat Classical Academy provides an ideal setting for young people to develop into well-integrated men and women, capable of making a committed gift of self and possessing a well-refined taste for truth, goodness, and beauty. Such men and women are needed now more than ever, and I pray that FCA will be a secure base for many from which they can go out and change the world.”
– Dr. Andrew Sodergren, MTS, Psy.D, Director of Ruah Woods Psychological Services
Brad Bursa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theology at St. Thomas University, Director of Evangelization at Stella Maris Family of Parishes, and Co-founder of Nazareth Revisited
“For generations, we have witnessed a collapse of genuine wisdom and understanding. Knowledge has been fractured into a million pieces and modern education provides no integrating factor. This cripples the ability of contemporary systems to pass on any meaningful culture to today’s youth, and we are all witnesses of the effects of this postmodern nihilism. Beginning with the Logos, Fiat Classical Academy will reintegrate whole persons and aid in recovering wisdom and understanding in the greater Cincinnati educational scene. Its impact will be felt far and wide.”
“Fiat Classical Academy will bring to our region a fresh, broad, and traditional opportunity for high schoolers seeking wisdom and virtue in an academic climate. Fiat’s atmosphere will allow students to thrive in a challenging and healthy environment where their faith and intellect will be given every opportunity for growth and nurturing. This endeavor will be a tremendous asset to our community!”
– Jim Waldon, Director of Music, St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Aurora, IN