Support Us

Whether you have high school-aged children or grandchildren or are a member of the Tri-State area, we need your support. The faculty and staff of Fiat Classical Academy are fully invested in forming our students in the Faith and a rich intellectual and deeply human life. 

We know that we cannot provide this rich education to every young person in the Greater Cincinnati area. But we are confident that we can offer the gift of a classical education to 120+ young men and women each year.

Dream with us for a moment, imagining how God might transform a life, a family, parishes, the community, when a young man or woman is accompanied, formed, educated and offered the experience of glimpsing their incredible dignity as a son or daughter of God. Now imagine this same gift offered to dozens of young men and women. Jesus lifted up the mustard seed – the tiniest of all seeds – as an image of how faith can transform. What might God do with the small community offering substantial formation at Fiat Classical Academy?


We are raising the funds to cover the first year’s budget. As the years continue, we will need to supplement tuition and offer financial aid to students otherwise unable to attend FCA.

Donations can be made online. To avoid online processing fees, checks can be mailed to PO Box 63, Aurora, IN 47001.

Join Us

We also need volunteers, ambassadors to spread the word, and prayer warriors to intercede. Please contact us if you would like to become part of the FCA community in some way.

Join our mailing list to receive updates about FCA.


“Even a tiny flame lifts the heavy lid of night. How much more light will you make, all together, if you bond as one in the communion of the Church!”

– St. John Paul II